Licorice, 755
Ligamentum nuchae, 179
Ligand-receptor interaction
kinetics of, 104
Ligandin, 692
Ligands, 32
Ligases (synthetases),
8 6
Light chain, 462
Light meromyosin, 460
Lignin, 149
a-limit dextrins, 209, 211,213
Lineweaver-Burk plot
competitive inhibition, 93
Lineweaver-Burk plot, 91
Lingual lipase, 198
Link protein, 185
Linoleic acid, 388
oxidation of, 376
Lipase, 122, 127, 202
absorption, 217
adipose tissue release, 505
digestion and absorption, 504
homeostasis, 504, 508
Lipid digestion
disorders of, 218
Lipid homeostasis, 504
Lipid nephrosis, 951
Lipid-soluble vitamins, 216
Lipids, 216
amphipathic, 156, 365
bi layer, 161
flip-flop migration, 159
Lipogenesis, 224
Lipogranulomatosis (Farber’s disease),
Lipoic acid, 23, 107, 927
Lipopolysaccharides, 191
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), 433, 470
Lipoprotein membranes called the
endoplasmic, 580
Lipoprotein-X (Lp-X), 433
Lipoproteins, 429, 490
conversion via endogenous pathway, 436
high-density (HDL), 378, 388, 423, 429,
cholesterol esters and, 434
fraction, 432
high-density (HDL), 438, 440
IDL conversion to LDL, 436
Intermediate-density (IDL), 432, 436
low-density (LDL), 388, 437, 438
receptors, 417, 419
ratio of low-density (LDL) to
high-density (HDL), 388
very-Iow-density (VLDL), 365, 378,
429, 435, 436
synthesis in the liver, 389
Liposomes, 159
2 2 2
Lipoyl-lysyl swinging arm, 239
Lispro insulin, 491
Lithium, 892
Lithocholic acid, 201
Liver, 127, 148, 197, 200, 278, 290, 291,
335, 337, 339, 487, 788
acute disease, 371
damagfe, 123
disease, 213
GLUT2, 226
metabolic role, 487
microsomes, 374
Liver cell plates, 200
Liver damage, 337
Liver diseases, 600
Liver parenchymal cells (hepatocytes), 228
2 0 0
Long, 535
Long-acting thyroid stimulator
(LATS), 772
Long-chain saturated fatty acids
synthesis of, 379
Loops of henle, 235
Lou Gehrig’s disease, 609
Lovastatin, 417, 450
Low-density lipoproteins, 187
Low-level nonfatiguing exercise, 518
synthase deficiency, 398
Lumirubin, 693
Lung disease, 221
Lungs, 272
Lupus, 219
Luteal phase, 790
Luteinizing, 702
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 745
Luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone, 732
8 6
Lymphocytes, 235
T, 194
Lymphocytic leukemias, 809, 811
Lymphosarcoma, 632
Lymphotrophic viruses, 612
Lyon’s hypothesis, 303
Lys plasminogen, 861
Lysine, 23,214, 279, 331
Lysinonorleucine, 24
Lysogenic cycle, 599
Lysophosphatidylcholine, 217
Lysosomal enzymes, 186
synthesis of, 186
Lysosomal exoglycosidases, 187
Lysosomal storage diseases, 187, 322
Lysosomes, 169, 186
formation and function, 188
secondary, 187
antiparallel /3-pleated sheet, 193
d-helix, 193
hen egg-white structure, 193
Lysozyme (muramidase), 141, 193
Lysyl, 585
Lysyl oxidase, 177, 181,589, 895
Lysyl e-amino group, 337
Lytic cycle, 599
M hemoglobins, 672
M . lu teu s,
Machado-Joseph disease, 561
a-2 macroglobulin, 103, 845, 846, 898
Macrominerals, 873
Macrophages, 103, 304, 808
Macular corneal dystrophy type I, 323
Macular degeneration, 910
Mad cow disease, 64
Magnesium, 876, 890
Magnesium salts, 222
Magnetic resonance imaging (MR1), 11,13
Major groove (in DNA), 525
Major histocompatibility complex
(MHC), 187
genes, 827
Malabsorption, 236, 332
of lipids, 218
Malabsorption disorders, 218
Malaria, 302
Malate-aspartate shuttle, 264, 265
Malate dehydrogenase, 898
Male contraception, 789
Malignant, 952
Malignant hyperthermia, 280, 465
Malignant neoplastic cells, 161
Malignant tumor, 556
Malnutrition, 78, 179
Malonate, 244, 254
Maltose, 144
Maltotriose, 209
Mammalian cells
contraction, 455
Mammary gland, 796, 799
Manganese, 892
Manganous ion, 108
Manganous (Mn2+) ion, 108
Mannan-binding protein, 830
Mannitol, 140
Mannose, 234
D-mannose, 135
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